Need a reason to limit your screen time? Interested in your personal development & want to gather online with others who are also invested in their growth & self-mastery? Come join our online book club!
Structured to yield maximum support & cultivate community on your journey to becoming the best you. You can expect a portion of discussion to offer ways to expound on what you read in the book & how to put it into action in daily life.
Meets 1x a month via Zoom for 1.5 - 2 hrs.
START DATE TBD: coming soon*
Open to anyone: old, new, or prospective clients, colleagues, friends, family, whomever -- all are welcome.
Investment: $25 a meeting (for accountability mainly)
Paid via Venmo: @julianne.schroeder or PayPal minimum 1 week prior to monthly book club meeting. A portion of proceeds will go to a non-profit mental health organization as determined by book club attendees.
Disclaimer: While the book club will focus on personal growth & development with books & discussion touching on therapeutic content, this will not be considered therapy. We will adhere to safe & supportive community guidelines, however.